Professional Work:
Developer Blog: I revamped and restarted TheLadders developer blog in an effort to attract more engineering talent to the company. I sunsetted the old Wordpress powered blog in favor of a custom-themed Octopress-powered site.
Denormalize The Data For Great Good: this is a blog post I wrote for TheLadders developer blog. It outlines work I did speeding up response times in our SOA, microservice-based architecture using a NoSQL data store.
BugLabs, Inc.
BugSwarm (now dweet.io) member of a team building a communication service for the IoT. The goal was to allow bidirectional communication between embedded devices and the browser, allowing near-real-time push communication with hundreds of devices.
CSE300 Technical Communications
Mock Press Release a press release announcing the release of a platform for crowdsourcing inpot for the professionalization of Software Engineering.
Mock Proposal: a mock proposal targeting the ACM, IEEE, and other professional Software Engineering organizations for the purpose of securing buy-in for building a platform to crowdsource professionalization standards for the industry.
CSE391 Cloud Computing
Simple Scalable Wiki: A simple wiki web application, powered by dropwizard, couchbase, solr, RabbitMQ, and more. The goal was to make it horizontally scalable based on elastic computing resources.
Web Search with Autosuggest: A simple search application, restricted to the stonybrook.edu domain, with a google-like “autocomplete” feature.
Academic Research
Group for Logic and Formal Semantics
Modeling Prejudice Reduction: Spatialized Game Theory and the Contact Hypothesis was published in MIT’s Artificial Life and Public Affairs Quarterly. It used an iterated form of Prisoner’s Dilemma in both spatial (a la Conway’s Game of Life) and global competitions to model prejudice and hypothesize methods of reducing prejudicial behavior.